NLG Tether Loops provide an approved way of creating a load rated tether point whilst still on site for tools that have a captive eye or captive handle. Simply pass the Tether Loop through the hole or handle on the tool and using the screwgate secure the loop in place. To create a permanent Tether Loop, use Loctite or a similar thread locking glue on the screwgate. For a non-permanent option, ensure the screwthread is fully tightened and secure. The Tether Loop is an ideal retro-fit option that allows you to create a tether point within seconds and can be used on most tools including hammers, saws, screwdrivers, adjustable spanners, ring and open end spanners. The Tether Loop has a protective PU coating that makes it hard wearing, durable and suitable for many different industries including Construction, Utilities, Nuclear, Oil + Gas and General Industry.