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Pine Kleen - Pine Disinfectant Cleaner - 4 X 5L Carton
Pine Kleen - Pine Disinfectant Cleaner - 4 X 5L Carton
Technical Data Sheets
Product Description

4 x 5L carton

Pine Disinfectant and Deodorizer | Multipurpose Cleaner

PINE KLEEN is a premium powerful pine disinfectant that leaves a refreshing pine fragrance as it disinfects and deodorizes. Effective disinfectant against a wide range of germs and microorganisms. It contains pure pine oil and QAC that act as anti-bacterial agents. Formulated with pine fragrance that is commonly accepted in medical facilities, sick bays. Gives area a clean, hygienic scent after cleaning. Brown colour

Double action (pure pine oil and QAC as anti-bacterial agents)

  • Natural pure pine oil used (not just pine fragrance)
  • Gentle and non-corrosive formulation

Recommended for: Cleaning and disinfecting hospital wards, clinics, childcare centres, washrooms, urinals, water closets, garbage areas, locker rooms. Suitable for masking strong odours.

Mopping of toilet floors – 1:80
Cleaning of wall, floor and sanitary areas – 1:40
Spraying on surfaces, into atmosphere – 1:5

#pine #dettol #pinekleen #p-pine #powerfresh #cleaning #pinedisinfectant #sanipine

S$ 36.00
(exc. GST)
S$ 39.24
(inc. GST)
UnitsDiscountUnit Price
1-S$ 36.00
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